e3_news.jpgThe first gameplay footage for Mortal Kombat X has been released! The video, taken from this year's E3 convention, features Sub-Zero versus Scorpion (naturally) and a wasp-like female against a large golem-type character being controlled by a small, childlike imp riding on his shoulders. Think Master-Blaster from Mad-Max Beyond Thunderdome.

Update: The names for these new kombatants have been revealed. The wasp lady's name is D'Vorah. The small female character is Ferra, and her brutish companion is Torr.

It appears the fighting arenas will also play an important role during kombat, as you can see Scorpion swinging from tree branches in the same forest seen in the reveal trailer.

X-Ray attacks are also featured during the video, along with a teaser of several fatalities at the end!

By the way, anyone notice the green character in the fatality montage?
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I saw it. I absolutely loved it. I cannot wait for this game to come out. I can tell it has retained a few things from MK9 like the way the 2-D playing field is. But they've taken a big chunk out of Injustice by using the environment. The new guys look kinda cool. I actually like some of them better than the ones from Deadly Alliance and Deception. Oh and the fatalities look so much more sick than MK9
Ed Boon was 100% right when he said that the fatalities were going to be the most brutal in franchise history! I really want to know their names now because I really like "Master Blaster." Mokap - Laugh

The green character reminds me of Huitzilopochtli the Mesoamerican deity of war, sun and human sacrifice. Taven - My Two Cents
Kinda mixed feelings.
Loved everything about Scorpion and Sub-Zero fight, gameplay looks so fluid, looks like I already know how to play, just give me a controller. But I get tired of watching Scorpion killing Subby over and over again, come on, it's getting old.
And I'm not sure about new characters. Lady looks pretty much like Sadira of KI (Spider Lady, now Bug Lady?) and big fella with a midget, isn't it Chang and Choi of KOF?
But it's a just a first impression, I beleive I'd like them when get to know them better.
And anyway, I'm excited about new MK!
Kabal - Yikes
First things first... we were lucky and got 3 instead of 2 new characters revealed Reiko - Rock .

About the game... it looks better than MK9 in terms of graphics. The sound is excellent, the voices too, the gameplay reminds me of Injustice which is good (i just wish they keep the same health bar system as the old MK games)... i liked the ''klose kombat'' style when Scorpion grabs the tree branch and hits Sub-zero... the moves were very familiar to me although they were changed a little giving the characters the refresh they need... the only flaw that i can see is how the X-ray looks... but maybe it's a little early to judge it yet.

As for the new characters...
The ''Lady Bug'' reminds me a little of Sadira and some of her moves reminds me of Inlustice Sinestro...
The big character is very interesting in terms of look and play(i may be wrong but he could easily be from the Netherrealm), still his X-ray reminded me of Bane's super move a little, his moves are nice and inspired due to the fact that the small guy in his back is a part of his moves.

The green female character i think is the ''Lady Bug'' with her 2nd costume but i could be wrong...

The third character seen in the fatality montage was the real surprise as mr Boon mentioned that we will see 2 new characters... my first thought when i saw him was that Ogre was in MK... but when i saw it a couple of times again two things came to my mind...

He coule easily be either:

1)Belokk (somehow he resembles him a little bit)


2)Drahmin BEFORE his transformation to Oni Tormentor.

As for the fatalities, i think we will be moooore than happy and satisfied than ever... they looked awesome, unique and gorier!!! Sub Zero - Fatality

Overall what i got from the gameplay footage was at least what i expected to see... for the best is yet to come... Raiden - Shock

A true Mortal Kombat game... Drahmin - Worship
I wonder will there be an option to kill a little guy?

Somehow I see 3rd character as a kind of modern Fujin.

And fatalities is excellent in their style. It's pretty easy to overdo on that part, just like Eternal Champions does it.

I wonder will there be an option to kill a little guy?
I have a feeling that fatalities will be altered slightly when performing them on this character, or just the larger character is killed with the imp running away.
Looks pretty badass I want to see more though
I have a feeling that fatalities will be altered slightly when performing them on this character, or just the larger character is killed with the imp running away.

See that's what I was thinking that the little imp would run away during fatalities and the big guy would bite the dusts.

Also did anyone notice that the imp is female? My wife missed the reveal so I showed it to her and she pointed out during fatalities that she really liked the big guy/little girl combo, I rewatched it like 10 times now and the imp does have a bra on...

Yeah I noticed that after starting/stopping the video to get a good look. I thought it was a fourth character at first until I watched the second part of it. I figured she'd faint whenever the big dude loses, but running away is still a possibility.
The Aztec god is my favorite of the three....

Mixed reaction.
As far as visuals and gameplay go it looks spot on.
Very excited... The fatalities and xrays are just epic.
Some people are saying that the Aztec guy is one of the Elder Gods, I'm not to sure.

The Bug lady's name is D'Vorah

That background with D'vorah and torr was cool, new characters like don't know about little girl just yet but did like that one x ray move. D' vorah looks korean/japanese.
Kamidogu got six Hi-Res screenshots and they are awesome!

Kotal Kahn, Cassie Cage (Johnny Cage and Sonya Blande's daughter) revealed

Wow, so we're in future now?!

After looking at screens, it reminded me about Tao Feng game a bit.
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